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PatrimonCube has received the recognition of qualified investor from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SGR 


Turin, 4 March 2021

Patrimon Cube Srl announces that on 15 February 2021 it received accreditation from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Venture Capital Sgr. The accreditation recognizes Patrimon Cube Srl as a qualified investor in the Business Angel legal entities category. Registration in the list of qualified investors who collaborate with CDP will allow our Startups to benefit from an equity investment by CDP Venture Capital Srg equal to the investment directed by Patrimon Cube Srl itself.

For more information:

Patrimon Cube Srl 

Corso Massimo d’Azeglio, 8 – 10125 Torino
Cap.Soc. € 720.000 i.v.
R.E.A n. 1283915 – Torino – CF e P.IVA 12358080013

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